The Journal of Software(ISSN 1000-9825) is a Chinese comprehensive academic journal of computer software which is jointly hosted by the Institute of software, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISCAS) and China Computer Federal (CCF). Founded in 1990, the Journal of Software focuses on the latest innovative high-level scientific and technological achievements of great significance in the field of computer software. It advocates academic democracy and promotes academic discussion and exchange of the researchers in and out of China. The Journal of Software(ISSN 1000-9825) is mainly interested in well-defined theoretical results and empirical studies that have potential impact on the construction, analysis, management, or application of computer software. Its scope ranges from the mechanisms through the development of principles to the application of those principles to specific environments. Specific topic areas include: theoretical computer science, algorithm design and analysis, system software and software engineering, pattern recognition and artificial intelligence, database technology, computer networks, information security, computer graphics and computer-aided design, multimedia technology and other computer software related interdisciplinary. In order to reach our readers worldwide, the Journal of Software(ISSN 1000-9825) presents following items in both Chinese and English: title, author''s name and affiliation, abstract, key words and fund information as well as the references originally published in Chinese.
《软件学报》是一本刊登计算机软件各领域原创性研究成果的期刊,所刊登的论文均经过严格的同行专家评议。本刊创刊于1990年,由中国科学院软件研究所和中国计算机学会联合主办。CN11-2560/TP,ISSN1000 -9825,CODEN RUXUEW。月刊,每期176面,每月6号出版。