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Neuroscience Letters怎么样?影响因子是多少?
Neuroscience Letters怎么样?影响因子是多少?
Neuroscience Letters期刊已被最新的JCR期刊SCIE收录,主要刊载医学-神经科学相关领域研究成果与实践。官网显示Neuroscience Letters的影响因子为2.5,在中科院SCI期刊分区(2023年12月最新升级版)中位于医学 4区。
Book学术 01-22
Fitoterapia是一本开放获取的期刊,专门研究药用植物和植物来源有生物活性的天然产物,官网显示其影响因子为2.5,在中科院SCI期刊分区(2023年12月最新升级版)中位于医学 3区。
Book学术 01-22
光催化群-2:927909706 甲烷作为天然气和页岩气的主要成分,有望成为化学合成的碳原料。通过部分氧化催化反应在温和条件下将甲烷转化为液态氧化物受到广泛关注,但是甲烷分子的惰性
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纳米催化群-1:256363607 开发具有优异活性和稳定性的全固态受阻路易斯酸碱对(FLPs)无金属加氢催化剂仍然是一项重大挑战。有鉴于此,湘潭大学刘平乐教授、吕扬副教授等报道通过在还原氧化石墨烯表
催化计公众号 01-22
电催化讨论群-1:529627044 光催化群-2:927909706 光电化学尿素氧化反应(PEC UOR)是一种有可能作为绿色制氢的半反应,受到人们的广泛关注,但是尿素分子稳定的共振结构导致C-N
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Nat. Commun.:亲氧Ru、W单原子全面提升Pt碱性HOR活性
Nat. Commun.:亲氧Ru、W单原子全面提升Pt碱性HOR活性
电催化讨论群-1:529627044 阴离子交换膜燃料电池(AEMFCs)是理想的能量转换器件。但是,作为AEMFCs阳极氢氧化反应(HOR)的标杆性催化剂,Pt仍然面临性能缺乏,而且容易发生CO中毒
催化计公众号 01-22
光催化群-2:927909706 由于烷基C-H键的惰性,在温和条件下烷烃直接脱氢为烯烃具有挑战性。有鉴于此,中国科学院理化技术研究所张铁锐研究员、李振华等报道开发了一种高效的光催化系统,用于丙烷直接
催化计公众号 01-22
重庆医科大学蒋宁团队《AFM》:靶向递送 CRISPR-Cas9 和 ACC 抑制剂的智能纳米笼有效增强抗肿瘤级联治疗
重庆医科大学蒋宁团队《AFM》:靶向递送 CRISPR-Cas9 和 ACC 抑制剂的智能纳米笼有效增强抗肿瘤级联治疗
全球每年新增恶性肿瘤患者 2000 万,近 970 万人因此死亡。纵使临床治疗手段丰富,包括手术、化疗、放疗等传统方法和靶向、免疫等新型疗法,但治疗效果仍然有限。因此,亟需开发更安全有效的治疗方案,改
BioMed科技公众号 01-22
BioMed科技公众号 01-22
四川大学蔡潇潇教授/田陶然副教授《AFM》: 四面体框架核酸通过神经传输路径作为一种高效的鼻脑传递载体治疗中枢系统疾病
四川大学蔡潇潇教授/田陶然副教授《AFM》: 四面体框架核酸通过神经传输路径作为一种高效的鼻脑传递载体治疗中枢系统疾病
BioMed科技公众号 01-22
BioMed科技公众号 01-22
来源:中国社会科学网中国社会科学网讯 1月21日,中国社会科学院党组巡视工作领导小组在京召开2024年度内部巡视工作汇报会。会议听取了2023年度内部巡视整改和成果运用综合情况汇报、2024年度各巡视
中国历史研究院公众号 01-22
中科院物理所公众号 01-22
Anal. Chem. | 基于多功能生物共轭体的便携式自供能/比色双模传感平台用于啶虫脒的精确现场检测
Anal. Chem. | 基于多功能生物共轭体的便携式自供能/比色双模传感平台用于啶虫脒的精确现场检测
点击蓝字关注我们背景介绍 啶虫脒(ATM)是一种高效广谱的新烟碱类杀虫剂,通过干扰昆虫神经系统信号传递,实现对蚜虫、粉虱等害虫的防治。然而,ATM具有高极性和低挥发性,被植物吸收后容易造成农药残
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Nat Commun丨复旦大学郁金泰/程炜/张亚茹合作研究揭示全基因组关联研究揭示了脑淋巴活动的机制
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加巴喷丁 vs 度洛西汀,谁的跌倒风险更低?真实世界数据大揭秘!
*仅供医学专业人士阅读参考为神经病理性疼痛一线用药的安全性正名 作者:蓝鲸晓虎神经病理性疼痛是指各种原因造成的神经系统损伤或疾病引起的疼痛感受,解剖上分为周围性和中枢性两种类型,根据病因可分为退行性、
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ScienceShare | 科学私享大连工业大学食品学院朱蓓薇院士团队陈翊平教授食品安全检测及控制研究小组在食品安全快速检测方向发表高水平文章来源:工大食院导 读 近日,大连工业大学食品学院、海洋
科学私享公众号 01-22
科学私享公众号 01-22
点击蓝字 · 关注我们 近日,海南大学食品科学与工程学院云永欢联合清华大学宋惟然博士、 中国农业科学院油料作物研究所张良晓研究员,在国际知名期刊《Food Chemisty》(IF=8
科学私享公众号 01-22
Defective exercise-related expiratory muscle recruitment in patients with PHOX2B mutations: A clue to neural determinants of the congenital central hypoventilation syndrome.
IF 10.4 2区 医学 Q1 RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Pub Date : 2025-12-31 DOI: 10.1016/j.pulmoe.2024.01.005

Introduction and objectives: The human congenital central hypoventilation syndrome (CCHS) is caused by mutations in the PHOX2B (paired-like homeobox 2B) gene. Genetically engineered PHOX2B rodents exhibit defective development of the brainstem retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN), a carbon dioxide sensitive structure that critically controls expiratory muscle recruitment. This has been linked to a blunted exercise ventilatory response. Whether this can be extrapolated to human CCHS is unknown and represents the objective of this study.

Materials and methods: Thirteen adult CCHS patients and 13 healthy participants performed an incremental symptom-limited cycle cardiopulmonary exercise test. Responses were analyzed using guideline approaches (ventilation V'E, tidal volume VT, breathing frequency, oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production) complemented by a breathing pattern analysis (i.e. expiratory and inspiratory reserve volume, ERV and IRV).

Results: A ventilatory response occurred in both study groups, as follows: V'E and VT increased in CCHS patients until 40 W and then decreased, which was not observed in the healthy participants (p<0.001). In the latter, exercise-related ERV and IRV decreases attested to concomitant expiratory and inspiratory recruitment. In the CCHS patients, inspiratory recruitment occurred but there was no evidence of expiratory recruitment (absence of any ERV decrease, p<0.001).

Conclusions: Assuming a similar organization of respiratory rhythmogenesis in humans and rodents, the lack of exercise-related expiratory recruitment observed in our CCHS patients is compatible with a PHOX2B-related defect of a neural structure that would be analogous to the rodents' RTN. Provided corroboration, ERV recruitment could serve as a physiological outcome in studies aiming at correcting breathing control in CCHS.

Development and evaluation of spirometry reference equations at high altitude.
IF 10.4 2区 医学 Q1 RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Pub Date : 2025-12-31 DOI: 10.1080/25310429.2024.2433862

Approximately 400 million people live at high altitudes worldwide, yet reference equations for spirometry in these populations are inadequately documented. This study aims to develop reference equations for spirometry and assess their applicability to residents at altitudes ranging from 2,100 to 4,700 metres above sea level. This extensive cross-sectional study encompassed healthy non-smokers aged 15 years or older living at Xinjiang and Tibet autonomous region, which covered eight high-altitude areas by a multistage stratified sampling procedure. All individuals underwent pre- and post-bronchodilator measurement. We used the Lambda-Mu-Sigma (LMS) method to establish reference equations for various spirometry parameters. We assessed model fit using mean absolute error (MAE), mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), and residual values (standard deviation), relative to established benchmarks such as GLI, ECSC, and NHANES III, to evaluate the applicability of our equations to high-altitude residents. Between June 2015 and August 2016, 3174 healthy subjects were included. The reference equations utilise age and height as independent variables, with improved accuracy achieved through spline functions. Our spirometry reference equations demonstrate minimal MAE, MAPE, and residual values (standard deviation) for most of the analysed spirometry parameters, stratified by gender. Our spirometry reference equations are more applicable to residents of high-altitude regions.

Efficacy and safety of high-flow nasal cannula therapy in elderly patients with acute respiratory failure. Authors´reply.
IF 10.4 2区 医学 Q1 RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Pub Date : 2025-12-31 DOI: 10.1080/25310429.2024.2444727
Asbestos-related diseases in Africa: sentinel cases of mesothelioma and asbestosis from DR Congo.
IF 10.4 2区 医学 Q1 RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Pub Date : 2025-12-31 DOI: 10.1080/25310429.2024.2449268
Geographical variation in lung function: Results from the multicentric cross-sectional BOLD study.
IF 10.4 2区 医学 Q1 RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Pub Date : 2025-12-31 DOI: 10.1080/25310429.2024.2430491

Spirometry is used to determine what is "unusual" lung function compared with what is "usual" for healthy non-smokers. This study aimed to investigate regional variation in the forced vital capacity (FVC) and in the forced expiratory volume in one second to FVC ratio (FEV1/FVC) using cross-sectional data from all 41 sites of the multinational Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease study. Participants (5,368 men; 9,649 women), aged ≥40 years, had performed spirometry, had never smoked and reported no respiratory symptoms or diagnoses. To identify regions with similar FVC, we conducted a principal component analysis (PCA) on FVC with age, age2 and height2, separately for men and women. We regressed FVC against age, age2 and height2, and FEV1/FVC against age and height2, for each sex and site, stratified by region. Mean age was 54 years (both sexes), and mean height was 1.69 m (men) and 1.61 m (women). The PCA suggested four regions: 1) Europe and richer countries; 2) the Near East; 3) Africa; and 4) the Far East. For the FVC, there was little variation in the coefficients for age, or age2, but considerable variation in the constant (men: 2.97 L in the Far East to 4.08 L in Europe; women: 2.44 L in the Far East to 3.24 L in Europe) and the coefficient for height2. Regional differences in the constant and coefficients for FEV1/FVC were minimal (<1%). The relation of FVC with age, sex and height varies across and within regions. The same is not true for the FEV1/FVC ratio.

Effectiveness and use of home high flow nasal cannula in Portugal: Where are we?
IF 10.4 2区 医学 Q1 RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Pub Date : 2025-12-31 DOI: 10.1080/25310429.2024.2423556
Epidemic after pandemic: Dengue surpasses COVID-19 in number of deaths.
IF 10.4 2区 医学 Q1 RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Pub Date : 2025-12-31 DOI: 10.1080/25310429.2024.2448364
Fractional exhaled nitric oxide in a respiratory healthy general population through the lifespan.
IF 10.4 2区 医学 Q1 RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Pub Date : 2025-12-31 DOI: 10.1080/25310429.2024.2442662

Introduction and objectives: The fractional exhaled fraction of nitric oxide (FeNO) is used in clinical practice for asthma diagnosis, phenotyping, and therapeutic management. Therefore, accurate thresholds are crucial. The normal FeNO values over lifespan in a respiratory healthy population and the factors related to them remain unclear.

Materials and methods: We determined FeNO levels in 2,251 respiratory healthy, non-atopic, and non-smoking participants from the Lung, hEart, sociAl, boDy (LEAD) cohort, a general population, observational cohort study of participants aged 6-82 years in Austria.

Results: The median FeNO value in the total study population was 13.0 [interquartile range: 9.0, 20.0] ppb, increases with age, and, except in young participants (<18 years: 9.0 [7.0, 12.0], ≥18 years: 15.0 [11.0, 22.0]), it was significantly lower in females versus males. Multiple regression analyses showed that body height and blood eosinophil counts were associated with higher FeNO levels, both in children/adolescents and adults. In children/adolescents, FeNO values were positively associated with total IgE levels, FEV1/FVC ratio, and urban living. In adults, FeNO was positively associated with age and negatively associated with the presence of cardiovascular and ischaemic vascular disease.

Conclusions: We identified the normal FeNO ranges within a respiratory healthy population at different age ranges and associated factors. Collectively, they serve as a reference to frame FeNO values in clinical practice.

Performance of helmet CPAP using different configurations: Turbine-driven ventilators vs Venturi devices.
IF 10.4 2区 医学 Q1 RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Pub Date : 2025-12-31 DOI: 10.1016/j.pulmoe.2023.04.009

Background: Traditionally, Venturi-based flow generators have been preferred over mechanical ventilators to provide continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) through the helmet (h-CPAP). Recently, modern turbine-driven ventilators (TDVs) showed to be safe and effective in delivering h-CPAP. We aimed to compare the pressure stability during h-CPAP delivered by Venturi devices and TDVs and assess the impact of High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters on their performance.

Methods: We performed a bench study using an artificial lung simulator set in a restrictive respiratory condition, simulating two different levels of patient effort (high and low) with and without the interposition of the HEPA filter. We calculated the average of minimal (Pmin), maximal (Pmax) and mean (Pmean) airway pressure and the time product measured on the airway pressure curve (PTPinsp). We defined the pressure swing (Pswing) as Pmax - Pmin and pressure drop (Pdrop) as End Expiratory Pressure - Pmin.

Results: Pswing across CPAP levels varied widely among all the tested devices. During "low effort", no difference in Pswing and Pdrop was found between Venturi devices and TDVs; during high effort, Pswing (p<0.001) and Pdrop (p<0.001) were significantly higher in TDVs compared to Venturi devices, but the PTPinsp was lower (1.50 SD 0.54 vs 1.67 SD 0.55, p<0.001). HEPA filter addition almost doubled Pswing and PTPinsp (p<0.001) but left unaltered the differences among Venturi and TDVs systems in favor of the latter (p<0.001).

Conclusions: TDVs performed better than Venturi systems in delivering a stable positive pressure level during h-CPAP in a bench setting.

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