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纳米材料 高分子材料 能源材料 分离纯化 能源科学
生物医学 生物传感器 蛋白质组学 器官损伤与修复 代谢组学
能源材料 光电催化 新型碳制造 碳减排 有色金属
基因学 微生物学 细胞学 生物多样性 昆虫学
Journal of Pain的影响因子是多少?好投吗?
Journal of Pain的影响因子是多少?好投吗?
Journal of Pain是一本影响因子(IF)为4,投稿命中率高,对国人友好的临床神经科领域SCI期刊。杂志相对来说,比较冷门,关注人数偏少,但在国际有相当的知晓度。因为缺少中国人投稿,稿源可能未必丰富,发表机会大。
Book学术 25分钟前
Synthetic Metals 的期刊缩写是什么,影响因子多少?
Synthetic Metals 的期刊缩写是什么,影响因子多少?
Synthetic Metals 期刊的发表内容涉及电子聚合物和电子分子材料(包括新型碳结构)的研究和应用。期刊缩写为 Synth. Met.,2023最新影响因子为4.0。
Book学术 30分钟前
Bioconjugate Chemistry 期刊的名称缩写是什么?分区如何?
Bioconjugate Chemistry 期刊的名称缩写是什么?分区如何?
Bioconjugate Chemistry 期刊的名称缩写为Bioconjugate Chem. 中科院分区为2区。它旨在提供一个平台,展示与生物共轭物各个方面相关的研究,包括生物分子共轭物的制备、特性和应用。
Book学术 43分钟前
Dyes and Pigments 期刊是几区,审稿周期长吗?
Dyes and Pigments 期刊是几区,审稿周期长吗?
Dyes and Pigments 是一本关于染料、颜料及其中间体的国际期刊。它发表有关染料、颜料及其中间体的化学和物理科学和技术各个方面的论文。其中科院分区为工程技术大类3区,审稿的时间约为26天。
Book学术 1小时前
Frontiers in Microbiology期刊有预警风险吗?
Frontiers in Microbiology期刊有预警风险吗?
Frontiers in Microbiology(简称FIM)是一份在微生物学领域内备受尊重的国际期刊,并被PubMed Central(PMC)、Scopus和DOAJ等多个国际数据库收录。本刊最新影响因子4.0,近两年有明显下降的趋势,在2024年预警期刊目录中,有一定的预警风险。
Book学术 2小时前
Journal of Organic Chemistry简称是?是SCI几区?
Journal of Organic Chemistry简称是?是SCI几区?
Journal of Organic Chemistry简称JOC,期刊涵盖范围广泛的主题,例如新的合成方法、全合成、机理研究以及生物有机、物理有机和超分子化学。在中科院SCI分区(2023年12月升级版)中位于化学 2区。
Book学术 12-10
Sustainability主要发表与可持续性和可持续发展相关的研究成果。在中国科学院SCI期刊分区( 2023年12月最新升级版)中位于环境科学与生态学 3区。
Book学术 12-10
Membranes是一本国际性、同行评审、开放获取的SCI期刊。2023年影响因子为3.3,期刊分区:JCR-Q2(Chemistry, Physical)。
Book学术 12-10
Reproductive toxicology的影响因子是多少?分区是?
Reproductive toxicology的影响因子是多少?分区是?
​Reproductive Toxicology的2023-2024年最新影响因子为3.3,在中国科学院SCI期刊分区(2023年12月最新升级版)位于医学 4区。
Book学术 12-10
Journal Of Food Composition And Analysis的最新影响因子
Journal Of Food Composition And Analysis的最新影响因子
《Journal Of Food Composition And Analysis》2023年影响因子为4.3 (CiteScore 5.5),中科院分区2区,TOP期刊,农业和生物科学大类排名90/359 (Q1)。它是一本专注于CHEMISTRY, APPLIED领域的English学术期刊,创刊于1987年,由Academic Press Inc.出版商出版,出版周期Bimonthly。
Book学术 12-10
Journal of biotechnology是几区?怎么投稿?
Journal of biotechnology是几区?怎么投稿?
JCR分区等级为2区,中科院SCI分区,分区大生物学二区,小类生物工程与应用微生物二区。《生物技术杂志》(Journal Of Biotechnology)2023年最新影响因子为4.1,是一本由Elsevier出版的以工程技术-生物工程与应用微生物为研究特色的国际期刊。
Book学术 12-10
近期,安徽农业大学材料与化学学院生物质基可持续材料课题组叶冬冬教授在国际著名期刊Advanced Functional Materials (中科院1区top,自然指数期刊,IF=18.5) 发表
植物研究进展公众号 25分钟前
近日,华南农业大学植物保护学院/绿色农药全国重点实验室硕士生杜澎锐,在国际知名刊物Chemical Engineering Journal (1区,影响因子13.3),发表了题为“pH/Enzyme
植物研究进展公众号 25分钟前
观察 | 刘晨琦:认罪认罚从宽制度亟待厘清的四个问题
观察 | 刘晨琦:认罪认罚从宽制度亟待厘清的四个问题
法学学术前沿公众号 32分钟前
法学学术前沿公众号 32分钟前
期刊 |《法治社会》2024年第6期要目
期刊 |《法治社会》2024年第6期要目
法学学术前沿公众号 32分钟前
AFM专刊系列 | 北方温性草原能量分配的季节变异及调控机制
AFM专刊系列 | 北方温性草原能量分配的季节变异及调控机制
生态学者公众号 37分钟前
Journal of Ecology | 中国北方草地植物叶片和根系生物地球化学生态位的变化规律
Journal of Ecology | 中国北方草地植物叶片和根系生物地球化学生态位的变化规律
生态学者公众号 37分钟前
生态学者公众号 37分钟前
近日,南京信息工程大学环境科学与工程学院施文卿教授在国际权威期刊《Nature Communications》发表了题为“Global lake phytoplankton proliferation
生态学者公众号 37分钟前
知社学术圈公众号 48分钟前
光模块控温微器件用高强高效热电材料 | NSR
光模块控温微器件用高强高效热电材料 | NSR
海归学者发起的公益学术平台分享信息,整合资源交流学术,偶尔风月珀尔帖制冷器(Peltier cooler,PC)是5G芯片光模块温控热管理的核心部件,保障了巨量信息稳定传输。目前,碲化铋(Bi2Te3
知社学术圈公众号 48分钟前
01沙龙介绍01寒露至 秋意浓THE TWENTY-FOUR SOLAR TERMS为推动蛋白质组技术的革新与深入交流并展示最新的研究成果,迈维代谢即将携手华安生物、明虹天成及贝普奥生物,于12月12
迈维代谢公众号 52分钟前
南昌大学王珺团队: 互穿 MOFs 孔径微调实现 C₂H₂/C₂H₄ 高效筛分
南昌大学王珺团队: 互穿 MOFs 孔径微调实现 C₂H₂/C₂H₄ 高效筛分
研究背景乙烯 (C₂H₄) 是化工行业的重要原料,而微量的 C₂H₂ 杂质会极大影响其后续工业应用,因此去除 C₂H₄ 中的微量 C₂H₂ 是极为重要的。基于多孔吸附剂的吸附分离由于效率高、能耗小受到
RSC英国皇家化学会公众号 57分钟前
2025 RSC 季度基金 | Researcher Development and Travel Grants  开放申请中…
2025 RSC 季度基金 | Researcher Development and Travel Grants 开放申请中…
Researcher Developmentand Travel GrantsResearcher Development and Travel Grants 是英国皇家化学会为博士生和早期科研工作者
RSC英国皇家化学会公众号 57分钟前
ChemComm 60 载作者专辑: 窦乐添教授 • 普渡大学
ChemComm 60 载作者专辑: 窦乐添教授 • 普渡大学
2024 年是英国皇家化学会知名期刊 Chemical Communications 创刊 60 周年。在过去的六十年里,ChemComm 一直是 RSC 论文总被引次数最高的期刊,也是最值得信赖的以
RSC英国皇家化学会公众号 57分钟前
湖南大学张楠团队: 构建活性位点暴露的异质结型光驱动加氢催化剂
湖南大学张楠团队: 构建活性位点暴露的异质结型光驱动加氢催化剂
研究背景传统的 4-硝基苯酚 (4-NA) 还原反应通常需要在高温、高压、还原性气氛等复杂条件下进行,其成本较高。在常温常压条件下,太阳能驱动 4-NA 转化为对苯二胺 (PPD) 为实现 PPD 这
RSC英国皇家化学会公众号 57分钟前
【做计算 找华算】理论计算助攻顶刊,50000+成功案例,全职海归技术团队、正版商业软件版权!经费预存选华算科技:年终重磅加码,高至30%预存增值!来源:喻国明教授微博、北京师范大学新闻传播学院编辑整
顶刊收割机公众号 1小时前
Molecular Cell | 宋艳课题组揭示有丝分裂书签维持神经干细胞命运记忆的机制
Molecular Cell | 宋艳课题组揭示有丝分裂书签维持神经干细胞命运记忆的机制
◆ ◆ ◆ ◆Molecular Cell | 宋艳课题组揭示有丝分裂书签维持神经干细胞命运记忆的机制“记忆是我们的一切,失去记忆,就失去了所有。”—— 埃里克·坎德尔(Eric R. Kandel)
生命科学联合中心公众号 1小时前
出土文献公众号 1小时前
Glucose oxidase: An emerging multidimensional treatment option for diabetic wound healingBioactive M
纳米材料催化公众号 1小时前
Markers of tumor-associated macrophages and microglia exhibit high intratumoral heterogeneity in human glioblastoma tissue.
IF 6.5 2区 医学 Q1 IMMUNOLOGY Pub Date : 2024-12-31 DOI: 10.1080/2162402X.2024.2425124

Background: Human glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is a highly aggressive tumor with insufficient therapies available. Especially, novel concepts of immune therapies fail due to a complex immunosuppressive microenvironment, high mutational rates, and inter-patient variations. The intratumoral heterogeneity is currently not sufficiently investigated.

Methods: Biopsies from six different locations were taken in a cohort of 16 GBM patients who underwent surgery. The tissue slides were analyzed utilizing high-content imaging microscopy and algorithm-based image quantification. Several immune markers for macrophage and microglia subpopulations were investigated. Flow cytometry was used to validate key results. Besides the surface marker, cytokines were measured and categorized based on their heterogenicity and overall expression.

Results: M2-like antigens, including CD204, CD163, Arg1, and CSF1R, showed comparatively higher expression, with GFAP displaying the least intratumoral heterogeneity. In contrast, anti-tumor-macrophage-like antigens, such as PSGL-1, CD16, CD68, and MHC-II, exhibited low overall expression and concurrent high intratumoral heterogeneity. CD16 and PSGL-1 were the most heterogeneous antigens. High expression levels were observed for cytokines IL-6, VEGF, and CCL-2. VILIP-a was revealed to differentiate most in principle component analysis. Cytokines with the lowest overall expression, such as TGF-β1, β-NGF, TNF-α, and TREM1, showed low intratumoral heterogeneity, in contrast to βNGF, TNF-α, and IL-18, which displayed high heterogeneity despite low expression.

Conclusion: The study showed high intratumoral heterogeneity in GBM, emphasizing the need for a more detailed understanding of the tumor microenvironment. The described findings could be essential for future personalized treatment strategies and the implementation of reliable diagnostics in GBM.

Medical law; promotion of medicine curriculum: a letter to editor.
IF 4.6 2区 医学 Q1 EDUCATION & EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH Pub Date : 2024-12-31 DOI: 10.1080/10872981.2023.2290333
A Medical Education Research Library: key research topics and associated experts.
IF 3.1 2区 医学 Q1 EDUCATION & EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH Pub Date : 2024-12-31 DOI: 10.1080/10872981.2024.2302233

When clinician-educators and medical education researchers use and discuss medical education research, they can advance innovation in medical education as well as improve its quality. To facilitate the use and discussions of medical education research, we created a prefatory visual representation of key medical education research topics and associated experts. We conducted one-on-one virtual interviews with medical education journal editorial board members to identify what they perceived as key medical education research topics as well as who they associated, as experts, with each of the identified topics. We used content analysis to create categories representing key topics and noted occurrences of named experts. Twenty-one editorial board members, representing nine of the top medical education journals, participated. From the data we created a figure entitled, Medical Education Research Library. The library includes 13 research topics, with assessment as the most prevalent. It also notes recognized experts, including van der Vleuten, ten Cate, and Norman. The key medical education research topics identified and included in the library align with what others have identified as trends in the literature. Selected topics, including workplace-based learning, equity, diversity, and inclusion, physician wellbeing and burnout, and social accountability, are emerging. Once transformed into an open educational resource, clinician-educators and medical education researchers can use and contribute to the functional library. Such continuous expansion will generate better awareness and recognition of diverse perspectives. The functional library will help to innovate and improve the quality of medical education through evidence-informed practices and scholarship.

Financial barriers and inequity in medical education in India: challenges to training a diverse and representative healthcare workforce.
IF 4.6 2区 医学 Q1 EDUCATION & EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH Pub Date : 2024-12-31 DOI: 10.1080/10872981.2024.2302232

India has been historically challenged by an insufficient and heterogeneously clustered distribution of healthcare infrastructure. While resource-limited healthcare settings, such as major parts of India, require multidisciplinary approaches for improvement, one key approach is the recruitment and training of a healthcare workforce representative of its population. This requires overcoming barriers to equity and representation in Indian medical education that are multi-faceted, historical, and rooted in inequality. However, literature is lacking regarding the financial or economic barriers, and their implications on equity and representation in the Indian allopathic physician workforce, which this review sought to describe. Keyword-based searches were carried out in PubMed, Google Scholar, and Scopus in order to identify relevant literature published till November 2023. This state-of-the-art narrative review describes the existing multi-pronged economic barriers, recent and forthcoming changes deepening these barriers, and how these may limit opportunities for having a diverse workforce. Three sets of major economic barriers exist to becoming a specialized medical practitioner in India - resources required to get selected into an Indian medical school, resources required to pursue medical school, and resources required to get a residency position. The resources in this endeavor have historically included substantial efforts, finances, and privilege, but rising barriers in the medical education system have worsened the state of inequity. Preparation costs for medical school and residency entrance tests have risen steadily, which may be further exacerbated by recent major policy changes regarding licensing and residency selection. Additionally, considerable increases in direct and indirect costs of medical education have recently occurred. Urgent action in these areas may help the Indian population get access to a diverse and representative healthcare workforce and also help alleviate the shortage of primary care physicians in the country. Discussed are the reasons for rural healthcare disparities in India and potential solutions related to medical education.

Efficacy and pharmacodynamic effect of anti-CD73 and anti-PD-L1 monoclonal antibodies in combination with cytotoxic therapy: observations from mouse tumor models.
IF 3.6 4区 医学 Q2 ONCOLOGY Pub Date : 2024-12-31 DOI: 10.1080/15384047.2023.2296048

CD73 is a cell surface 5'nucleotidase (NT5E) and key node in the catabolic process generating immunosuppressive adenosine in cancer. Using a murine monoclonal antibody surrogate of Oleclumab, we investigated the effect of CD73 inhibition in concert with cytotoxic therapies (chemotherapies as well as fractionated radiotherapy) and PD-L1 blockade. Our results highlight improved survival in syngeneic tumor models of colorectal cancer (CT26 and MC38) and sarcoma (MCA205). This therapeutic outcome was in part driven by cytotoxic CD8 T-cells, as evidenced by the detrimental effect of CD8 depleting antibody treatment of MCA205 tumor bearing mice treated with anti-CD73, anti-PD-L1 and 5-Fluorouracil+Oxaliplatin (5FU+OHP). We hypothesize that the improved responses are tumor microenvironment (TME)-driven, as suggested by the lack of anti-CD73 enhanced cytopathic effects mediated by 5FU+OHP on cell lines in vitro. Pharmacodynamic analysis, using imaging mass cytometry and RNA-sequencing, revealed noteworthy changes in specific cell populations like cytotoxic T cells, B cells and NK cells in the CT26 TME. Transcriptomic analysis highlighted treatment-related modulation of gene profiles associated with an immune response, NK and T-cell activation, T cell receptor signaling and interferon (types 1 & 2) pathways. Inclusion of comparator groups representing the various components of the combination allowed deconvolution of contribution of the individual therapeutic elements; highlighting specific effects mediated by the anti-CD73 antibody with respect to immune-cell representation, chemotaxis and myeloid biology. These pre-clinical data reflect complementarity of adenosine blockade with cytotoxic therapy, and T-cell checkpoint inhibition, and provides new mechanistic insights in support of combination therapy.

"How to article:" guidelines for serving on an expert panel.
IF 4.6 2区 医学 Q1 EDUCATION & EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH Pub Date : 2024-12-31 DOI: 10.1080/10872981.2024.2316986

Academics in medicine are frequently asked to serve on panels to discuss their clinical, research, education, administrative or personal expertise. While panel discussions are often the highlight of a conference or event, in the medical literature, there is very little published on how an individual can effectively prepare and present as an expert panelist. This paper offers guidelines that will enable academics to prepare, deliver, and engage in active dialogue during a panel discussion. Specific tactics include how to accept invitations to serve on a panel, conducting pre-panel conference meetings and background research, preparing concise opening statements and new insights, connecting with the audience, answering questions in a collaborative spirit, and debriefing after the panel. These guidelines will be valuable to any individual invited to serve on a panel discussion and will promote future panelists in engaging in constructive and fulfilling dialogue, with the ultimate goal of leaving the audience with a greater understanding of the topic of discourse.

LGBTQ+ health education for medical students in the United States: a narrative literature review.
IF 3.1 2区 医学 Q1 EDUCATION & EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH Pub Date : 2024-12-31 DOI: 10.1080/10872981.2024.2312716

Introduction: People who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, and other sexual/gender minorities (LGBTQ+) may experience discrimination when seeking healthcare. Medical students should be trained in inclusive and affirming care for LGBTQ+ patients. This narrative literature review explores the landscape of interventions and evaluations related to LGBTQ+ health content taught in medical schools in the USA and suggests strategies for further curriculum development.

Methods: PubMed, ERIC, and Education Research Complete databases were systematically searched for peer-reviewed articles on LGBTQ+ health in medical student education in the USA published between 1 January 2011-6 February 2023. Articles were screened for eligibility and data was abstracted from all eligible articles. Data abstraction included the type of intervention or evaluation, sample population and size, and key outcomes.

Results: One hundred thirty-four articles met inclusion criteria and were reviewed. This includes 6 (4.5%) that evaluate existing curriculum, 77 (57.5%) study the impact of curriculum components and interventions, 36 (26.9%) evaluate student knowledge and learning experiences, and 15 (11.2%) describe the development of broad learning objectives and curriculum. Eight studies identified student knowledge gaps related to gender identity and affirming care and these topics were covered in 34 curriculum interventions.

Conclusion: Medical student education is important to address health disparities faced by the LGBTQ+ community, and has been an increasingly studied topic in the USA. A variety of curriculum interventions at single institutions show promise in enhancing student knowledge and training in LGBTQ+ health. Despite this, multiple studies indicate that students report inadequate education on certain topics with limitations in their knowledge and preparedness to care for LGBTQ+ patients, particularly transgender and gender diverse patients. Additional integration of LGBTQ+ curriculum content in areas of perceived deficits could help better prepare future physicians to care for LGBTQ+ patients and populations.

A survey into the utilization of probiotics and medicinal plants among individuals afflicted with gastrointestinal disorders in healthcare institutions in Saïda, Algeria.
IF 2.4 4区 医学 Q2 MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL Pub Date : 2024-12-31 DOI: 10.1080/19932820.2024.2317492

Aim: Functional gastrointestinal (GI) disorders are recognized as a major public health concern worldwide. These disorders involve persistent digestive symptoms indicative of digestive tract dysfunction.Materials and Methods: A survey examining the utilisation of probiotics and medicinal plants as supplementary treatments was conducted on 160 patients with GI disorders at healthcare institutions in Saïda from March to April 2023 using questionnaires that had been previously adapted and tested for reliability with Cronbach's alpha test. Raw data collected through the questionnaires were transferred to a database and analysed using SPSS software.Results: Overall, 49.38% of participants possessed knowledge of or actively utilised probiotics; such awareness was strongly associated with the participants' educational attainment (p = 0.029). The noteworthy probiotic supplements were Biocharbon (36.09%), Lactocil (15.38%), Smebiocta (13.61%), Ultrabiotic Adult (12.43%), Effidigest (12.43%), and Ultralevure (7.69%). During crisis, individuals tended to consume natural goods rich in probiotics, including yoghurt (13.26%) and fermented milk (8.60%), as well as foods rich in prebiotic fibre, including vegetables (18.99%), fruits (13.26%), wheat (9.67%), bran (7.52%), rye (6.81%), and oat flakes (6.45%). Additionally, 77.56% of patients used medicinal plants during crises, with Mentha spicata (12.2%), Thymus vulgaris (11.3%), Pimpinella anisum (8.5%), Cuminum cyminum (8.0%), Punica granatum (7.8%), Trachyspermum ammi (7.5%), and Senna acutifolia (7.0%) being the more commonly favoured options in phytotherapy. The main focus of these herbs was to alleviate bloating (57%), constipation (30.12%), and diarrhoea (12.87%) (p < 0.001). The most frequently utilised plant parts were leaves (47.30%), seeds (25.21%), and bark (13.21%). Most patients (82.91%) favoured infusion as their preferred consumption method, and approximately 85.43% believed in phytotherapy's ability to extend symptomatic relief.Conclusion: The understanding of probiotics is still in its infancy, whereas phytotherapy is more widely accepted by patients. Nonetheless, patients are open to the exploration of natural alternatives to conventional medicines.

Agricultural chemical use and the rural-urban divide in Canada.
IF 3.9 2区 农林科学 Q1 BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY Pub Date : 2024-12-31 DOI: 10.1080/21645698.2024.2318876

Innovation is of fundamental importance for improving food production, as well as sustainability food production. Since 1960, food production has benefited from innovations in plant breeding technologies, fertilizer, chemicals and equipment. These innovations have dramatically increased food production, while the amount of land used has minimally increased. However, future food production increases are jeopardized from widening knowledge gaps between rural food producers and large urban food consuming populations. Over time, that gap has fueled disinformation. The development of disinformation business models contributes to urban consumers receiving inaccurate information about the importance of inputs essential to food production, resulting in political pressures being applied that are targeted at reductions in the use of many food production inputs. The use of chemicals are a frequent target of disinformation campaigns. This article examines how the lack of government clarity about the safe use of chemicals contributes to a lack of public information.

Interactive effects of atmospheric oxidising pollutants and heat waves on the risk of residential mortality.
IF 2.2 3区 医学 Q2 PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH Pub Date : 2024-12-31 DOI: 10.1080/16549716.2024.2313340

Background: The impact of heat waves and atmospheric oxidising pollutants on residential mortality within the framework of global climate change has become increasingly important.

Objective: In this research, the interactive effects of heat waves and oxidising pollutants on the risk of residential mortality in Fuzhou were examined. Methods We collected environmental, meteorological, and residential mortality data in Fuzhou from 1 January 2016, to 31 December 2021. We then applied a generalised additive model, distributed lagged nonlinear model, and bivariate three-dimensional model to investigate the effects and interactions of various atmospheric oxidising pollutants and heat waves on the risk of residential mortality.

Results: Atmospheric oxidising pollutants increased the risk of residential mortality at lower concentrations, and O3 and Ox were positively associated with a maximum risk of 2.19% (95% CI: 0.74-3.66) and 1.29% (95% CI: 0.51-2.08). The risk of residential mortality increased with increasing temperature, with a strong and long-lasting effect and a maximum cumulative lagged effect of 1.11% (95% CI: 1.01, 1.23). Furthermore, an interaction between atmospheric oxidising pollutants and heat waves may have occurred: the larger effects in the longest cumulative lag time on residential mortality per 10 µg/m3 increase in O3, NO2 and Ox during heat waves compared to non-heat waves were [-3.81% (95% CI: -14.82, 8.63)]; [-0.45% (95% CI: -2.67, 1.81)]; [67.90% (95% CI: 11.55, 152.71)]; 16.37% (95% CI: 2.43, 32.20)]; [-3.00% (95% CI: -20.80, 18.79)]; [-0.30% (95% CI: -3.53, 3.04)]. The risk on heat wave days was significantly higher than that on non-heat wave days and higher than the separate effects of oxidising pollutants and heat waves.

Conclusions: Overall, we found some evidence suggesting that heat waves increase the impact of oxidising atmospheric pollutants on residential mortality to some extent.

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