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纳米材料 高分子材料 能源材料 分离纯化 能源科学
生物医学 生物传感器 蛋白质组学 器官损伤与修复 代谢组学
能源材料 光电催化 新型碳制造 碳减排 有色金属
基因学 微生物学 细胞学 生物多样性 昆虫学
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BioMed科技公众号 09-12
Medical student non-modifiable risk factors and USMLE Step 1 exam score.
IF 4.6 2区 医学 Q1 Social Sciences Pub Date : 2024-12-31 DOI: 10.1080/10872981.2024.2327818

For diversity to exist in the medical graduate workforce, students from all backgrounds should have equitable opportunities of employment. Specialties have utilized a minimal threshold for USMLE Step 1 score when screening applicants for residency interviews. The OHSU SOM class of 2021 completed a 14-question voluntary survey on their Step 1 score and the following non-modifiable risk factors: Adverse Childhood Experience score (ACEs), sex, gender, Underrepresented in Medicine status (URiM), family income during adolescence, highest degree held by a guardian, discrimination experience during medical school, federal/state assistance use, and rural versus urban primary home. Descriptive statistics and unadjusted risk ratios were applied to study the relation between Step 1 score and non-modifiable risk factors as well as certain non-modifiable risk factors and ACEs ≥ 3. The mean Step 1 score was 230 (213, 247). Of the students, 28.2% identified ACEs ≥ 3, 13.6% were considered URiM, and 65.4% were female. URiM were 2.34 (1.30, 4.23),females were 2.77 (1.06-7.29), and those who experienced discrimination in medical school were 4.25 (1.85, 9.77) times more likely to have ACEs ≥ 3. Students who had ACEs ≥ 3 were 3.58 (1.75, 7.29) times less likely to meet a minimal threshold for residency interviews of 220. These are the first results to demonstrate a relationship between Step 1 score and ACEs. Those who identified as URiM, females, and those who experienced discrimination in medical school were at a higher risk of ACEs of ≥ 3. Step 1 transitioned to pass/fail in January 2022. However, the first application cycle that residencies will see pass/fail scoring is 2023-2024, and fellowships will continue to see scored Step 1 until, at the earliest, the 2026-2027 application cycle. These data contribute to a foundation of research that could apply to Step 2CK testing scores, and help to inform decisions about the diversity and equity of the residency interview process.

Unpacking the perceptions and experiences of student facilitators in interprofessional education: a qualitative study.
IF 4.6 2区 医学 Q1 Social Sciences Pub Date : 2024-12-31 DOI: 10.1080/10872981.2024.2330257

Enhancing health professional students' effective learning and collaborative practice requires a deep understanding of strategies for facilitating interprofessional learning. While faculty members and clinical preceptors are recognized as facilitators in interprofessional education (IPE), there is limited knowledge about the impact of student facilitators' engagement in IPE. Accordingly, this study aims to explore the perceptions and experiences of student facilitators in IPE. Thirteen student facilitators were recruited to lead an interprofessional learning program, and they were subsequently invited to participate in one-on-one interviews. An interview guide was developed to explore their motivations, expectations, engagement, effectiveness, and achievements in IPE facilitation. Thematic analysis was conducted using MAXQDA software to analyze the student facilitators' experiences and perceptions. Eight interviewees from various disciplines, including Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Speech and Hearing Sciences, and Social Work, took part in the study. The findings revealed that student facilitators highly valued their IPE facilitation experience, which aligned with their expectations and led to the creation of social networks, increased confidence, improved understanding of other professions, and the development of lifelong skills. Furthermore, the student facilitators demonstrated cognitive and social congruence by establishing a relaxed learning environment, displaying empathetic and supportive behaviors, and using inclusive language to engage IPE learners in group discussions. This study provides a comprehensive understanding of the role of student facilitators in IPE, contributing to the evolving literature on IPE. A conceptual framework was developed to explore the entire facilitation experience, encompassing the motivations and expectations of student facilitators, their engagement and effectiveness, and the observed achievements. These findings can inform the development of peer teaching training in IPE and stimulate further research in identifying relevant facilitator competencies for optimal delivery of IPE.

A phase 3, single-arm, open-label study to evaluate the safety, tolerability, and immunogenicity of a 15-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, V114, in a 3+1 regimen in healthy infants in South Korea (PNEU-PED-KOR).
IF 4.8 4区 医学 Q2 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics Pub Date : 2024-12-31 DOI: 10.1080/21645515.2024.2321035

There is an ongoing burden of pneumococcal disease in children despite the use of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCVs). This phase 3, open-label, single-arm, multisite, descriptive study was designed to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of a 3 + 1 regimen of V114 (VAXNEUVANCE™), a 15-valent PCV, in South Korean infants and toddlers. Adverse events (AEs) were reported for 14 d following any vaccination, and throughout the study period for serious AEs. Serotype-specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) response rates (proportion of participants meeting an IgG threshold value of ≥0.35 μg/mL) and geometric mean concentrations (GMCs) for the 15 serotypes at 30 d postdose 3 (PD3) and at 30 d postdose 4 (PD4) were evaluated as endpoints. Healthy infants enrolled at 42-90 d after birth were vaccinated with V114 (N = 57). The most commonly reported AEs were those solicited in the trial. The majority of reported AEs were transient and of mild or moderate intensity. Few serious AEs were reported; none were vaccine related. No participants died nor discontinued the study vaccine because of an AE. V114 was immunogenic for all 15 serotypes contained in the vaccine, as assessed by IgG response rates at 30 d PD3 and IgG GMCs at 30 d PD3 and at 30 d PD4. V114 was well tolerated and immunogenic when administered as a 3 + 1 regimen in healthy South Korean infants and toddlers.

Formulation development of a stable influenza recombinant neuraminidase vaccine candidate.
IF 4.8 4区 医学 Q2 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics Pub Date : 2024-12-31 DOI: 10.1080/21645515.2024.2304393

Current influenza vaccines could be augmented by including recombinant neuraminidase (rNA) protein antigen to broaden protective immunity and improve efficacy. Toward this goal, we investigated formulation conditions to optimize rNA physicochemical stability. When rNA in sodium phosphate saline buffer (NaPBS) was frozen and thawed (F/T), the tetrameric structure transitioned from a "closed" to an "open" conformation, negatively impacting functional activity. Hydrogen deuterium exchange experiments identified differences in anchorage binding sites at the base of the open tetramer, offering a structural mechanistic explanation for the change in conformation and decreased functional activity. Change to the open configuration was triggered by the combined stresses of acidic pH and F/T. The desired closed conformation was preserved in a potassium phosphate buffer (KP), minimizing pH drop upon freezing and including 10% sucrose to control F/T stress. Stability was further evaluated in thermal stress studies where changes in conformation were readily detected by ELISA and size exclusion chromatography (SEC). Both tests were suitable indicators of stability and antigenicity and considered potential critical quality attributes (pCQAs). To understand longer-term stability, the pCQA profiles from thermally stressed rNA at 6 months were modeled to predict stability of at least 24-months at 5°C storage. In summary, a desired rNA closed tetramer was maintained by formulation selection and monitoring of pCQAs to produce a stable rNA vaccine candidate. The study highlights the importance of understanding and controlling vaccine protein structural and functional integrity.

Chicoric acid advanced PAQR3 ubiquitination to ameliorate ferroptosis in diabetes nephropathy through the relieving of the interaction between PAQR3 and P110α pathway.
IF 12.3 4区 医学 Q3 Medicine Pub Date : 2024-12-31 DOI: 10.1080/10641963.2024.2326021

Purpose: This study aimed to examine the impact of CA on DN and elucidate its underlying molecular mechanisms of inflammation.

Methods: We fed C57BL/6 mice injected with streptozotocin to induce diabetes. In addition, we stimulated NRK-52E cells with 20 mmol/L d-glucose to mimic the diabetic condition.

Results: Our findings demonstrated that CA effectively reduced blood glucose levels, and improved DN in mice models. Additionally, CA reduced kidney injury and inflammation in both mice models and in vitro models. CA decreased high glucose-induced ferroptosis of NRK-52E cells by inducing GSH/GPX4 axis. Conversely, the ferroptosis activator or the PI3K inhibitor reversed positive effects of CA on DN in both mice and in vitro models. CA suppressed PAQR3 expression in DN models to promote PI3K/AKT activity. The PAQR3 activator reduced the positive effects of CA on DN in vitro models. Moreover, CA directly targeted the PAQR3 protein to enhance the ubiquitination of the PAQR3 protein.

Conclusion: Overall, our study has uncovered that CA promotes the ubiquitination of PAQR3, leading to the attenuation of ferroptosis in DN. This effect is achieved through the activation of the PI3K/AKT signaling pathways by disrupting the interaction between PAQR3 and the P110α pathway. These findings highlight the potential of CA as a viable therapeutic option for the prevention of DN and other forms of diabetes.

Impact of COVID-19 vaccination status on hospitalization and disease severity: A descriptive study in Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan.
IF 4.8 4区 医学 Q2 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics Pub Date : 2024-12-31 DOI: 10.1080/21645515.2024.2322795

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was extraordinarily harmful, with high rates of infection and hospitalization. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 vaccination status and other factors on hospitalization and disease severity, using data from Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan. Confirmed cases of COVID-19 infection with vaccination status were included and the differences in characteristics between different vaccination statuses, hospitalization or not, and patients with varying levels of disease severity were analyzed. Furthermore, logistic regression was used to calculate odds ratio (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) to evaluate the association of various factors with hospitalization and disease severity. From March 14, 2020 to August 31, 2022, 23,139 patients were unvaccinated 13,668 vaccinated the primary program with one or two doses, and 4,575 completed the booster. Vaccination reduced the risk of hospitalization with an odd ratio of 0.759 (95% CI: 0.654-0.881) and the protective effect of completed booster vaccination was more pronounced (OR: 0.261, 95% CI: 0.207-0.328). Similarly, vaccination significantly reduced the risk of disease severity (vaccinated primary program: OR: 0.191, 95% CI: 0.160-0.228; completed booster vaccination: OR: 0.129, 95% CI: 0.099-0.169). Overall, unvaccinated, male, elderly, immunocompromised, obese, and patients with other severe illness factors were all risk factors for COVID-19-related hospitalization and disease severity. Vaccination was associated with a decreased risk of hospitalization and disease severity, and highlighted the benefits of completing booster.

Opportunities for HPV vaccine education in school-based immunization programs in British Columbia, Canada: A qualitative study.
IF 4.8 4区 医学 Q2 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics Pub Date : 2024-12-31 DOI: 10.1080/21645515.2024.2326779

Despite the availability of school-based immunization programs (SBIPs) in Canada, human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine uptake remains suboptimal. Vaccine education may improve vaccine uptake among adolescents. The objective of this qualitative study was to identify opportunities for HPV vaccine education in British Columbia, Canada, by exploring the perspectives of students, parents, school staff, and public health nurses on the current SBIP. Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with adult participants and focus groups were conducted with grade 6 students between November 2019 and May 2020. The interviews and focus groups were transcribed and then analyzed using reflexive thematic analysis. Opportunities for HPV vaccine education were identified in three themes: 1) making SBIPs student-centered; 2) adopting a collaborative and interdisciplinary approach to vaccine education; and 3) actualizing parent education opportunities. Broad support existed for a formal, collaborative HPV grade 6 vaccine curriculum delivered by teachers and public health nurses to provide evidence-based health information. Participants voiced that the curriculum should integrate students' perspectives on topics of interest and address needle associated pain and anxiety. Parents were identified as the primary vaccine decisionmakers, therefore, participants stated it was crucial to also provide parent-directed vaccine education as part of SBIP. Our findings support the development of a collaborative HPV vaccine curriculum directed to and informed by students and parents to buttress current SBIPs in British Columbia.

COVID-19 vaccination perspectives among patients with Long COVID: A qualitative study.
IF 4.8 4区 医学 Q2 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics Pub Date : 2024-12-31 DOI: 10.1080/21645515.2024.2327663

Individuals who have Long COVID may have unique perspectives about COVID-19 vaccination due to the significant impact that COVID-19 has had on their lives. However, little is known about the specific vaccination perspectives among this patient population. The goal of our study was to improve our understanding of perspectives about COVID-19 vaccines among individuals with Long COVID. Interviews were conducted with patients receiving care at a post-COVID recovery clinic. Deductive thematic analysis was used to characterize participant perspectives according to the vaccine acceptance continuum framework, which recognizes a spectrum from vaccine acceptance to refusal. From interviews with 21 patients, we identified perspectives across the continuum of vaccine acceptance. These perspectives included acceptance of vaccines to prevent future illness, concerns about vaccine side effects on Long COVID symptoms, and refusal of vaccines due to perceived natural immunity. A limitation of our study is that these perspectives are specific to individuals receiving care at one post-COVID recovery clinic. In conclusion, our study demonstrates that some patients with Long COVID are uncertain about COVID-19 vaccines and boosters but may also be amenable to conversations that impact future vaccination acceptance. Patient perspectives should be considered when communicating recommendations for COVID-19 vaccinations to this population.

Financial barriers and inequity in medical education in India: challenges to training a diverse and representative healthcare workforce.
IF 4.6 2区 医学 Q1 Social Sciences Pub Date : 2024-12-31 DOI: 10.1080/10872981.2024.2302232

India has been historically challenged by an insufficient and heterogeneously clustered distribution of healthcare infrastructure. While resource-limited healthcare settings, such as major parts of India, require multidisciplinary approaches for improvement, one key approach is the recruitment and training of a healthcare workforce representative of its population. This requires overcoming barriers to equity and representation in Indian medical education that are multi-faceted, historical, and rooted in inequality. However, literature is lacking regarding the financial or economic barriers, and their implications on equity and representation in the Indian allopathic physician workforce, which this review sought to describe. Keyword-based searches were carried out in PubMed, Google Scholar, and Scopus in order to identify relevant literature published till November 2023. This state-of-the-art narrative review describes the existing multi-pronged economic barriers, recent and forthcoming changes deepening these barriers, and how these may limit opportunities for having a diverse workforce. Three sets of major economic barriers exist to becoming a specialized medical practitioner in India - resources required to get selected into an Indian medical school, resources required to pursue medical school, and resources required to get a residency position. The resources in this endeavor have historically included substantial efforts, finances, and privilege, but rising barriers in the medical education system have worsened the state of inequity. Preparation costs for medical school and residency entrance tests have risen steadily, which may be further exacerbated by recent major policy changes regarding licensing and residency selection. Additionally, considerable increases in direct and indirect costs of medical education have recently occurred. Urgent action in these areas may help the Indian population get access to a diverse and representative healthcare workforce and also help alleviate the shortage of primary care physicians in the country. Discussed are the reasons for rural healthcare disparities in India and potential solutions related to medical education.

Enhanced immunity against SARS-CoV-2 in returning Chinese individuals.
IF 4.8 4区 医学 Q2 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics Pub Date : 2024-12-31 DOI: 10.1080/21645515.2023.2300208

Global COVID-19 vaccination programs effectively contained the fast spread of SARS-CoV-2. Characterizing the immunity status of returned populations will favor understanding the achievement of herd immunity and long-term management of COVID-19 in China. Individuals were recruited from 7 quarantine stations in Guangzhou, China. Blood and throat swab specimens were collected from participants, and their immunity status was determined through competitive ELISA, microneutralization assay and enzyme-linked FluoroSpot assay. A total of 272 subjects were involved in the questionnaire survey, of whom 235 (86.4%) were returning Chinese individuals and 37 (13.6%) were foreigners. Blood and throat swab specimens were collected from 108 returning Chinese individuals. Neutralizing antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 were detected in ~90% of returning Chinese individuals, either in the primary or the homologous and heterologous booster vaccination group. The serum NAb titers were significantly decreased against SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.5, BF.7, BQ.1 and XBB.1 compared with the prototype virus. However, memory T-cell responses, including specific IFN-γ and IL-2 responses, were not different in either group. Smoking, alcohol consumption, SARS-CoV-2 infection, COVID-19 vaccination, and the time interval between last vaccination and sampling were independent influencing factors for NAb titers against prototype SARS-CoV-2 and variants of concern. The vaccine dose was the unique common influencing factor for Omicron subvariants. Enhanced immunity against SARS-CoV-2 was established in returning Chinese individuals who were exposed to reinfection and vaccination. Domestic residents will benefit from booster homologous or heterologous COVID-19 vaccination after reopening of China, which is also useful against breakthrough infection.

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